I passed a neighbour today who was engrossed in her phone. She never gives me the time of day nor looks up from her screen. Why? I guess she doesn't need to or want to. She gets her needs met elsewhere including on line. So humans are an add on to life today, rather than being life.
Hi JP I have to admit I have a smart phone samsung something and I have a headset to listen to stuff like Alan Watt or John Waters or adapt 2030 and a few others while keeping my hands free for work. I use the laptop in the mornings to read articles like yourself which is the best part of the day . I am not one to just scroll looking for stuff and usually leave it at home when I go out . But ye I am a bit tied to it to keep in contact with my three son's , one in Australia one in Philadelphia and the other in Dublin . So for now I am stuck with it but to be honest if the whole internet disappeared tomorrow I would count it as a blessing , and I would be reading your article in some section of a national newspaper that JW is the editor and I would be posting a weekly letter to the lad's or arrange for a time to ring on the landline .
The Internet is very useful to the Combine even though it is beneficial to us as well. They might tighten things up a bit but I don't think they'll turn it off.
Years ago I used to receive a mimeographed newsletter in the post long before the Internet or decent photocopiers. So what you say is certainly possible.
Alan Watt said in the beginning they gave us TV, everyone had to have one. That way they knew everyone would be getting their downloads at the same time. No wonder they were able to mould us to their needs
I love my little phone and like Richard Kelly, I like to listen to podcasts on the go. I'm aware it's an addiction. I suppose I could go back to books. It shocks me to see how many use it to pay. it also saddens me to see parents ignoring their childrens' needs. Even some couples ignore each other to separately stare into their phones
You're 100% correct that they are tracking us through our phones. We've all had the experience of talking about some item we were thinking of getting and then it appears magically in your feeds
It will take something big for me to part with it, so I'm not traitoring on this one JP
In a quiet but disturbed way, we're all aware of this, Jim. But it' s a huge reminder when articulated so well and so concisely. So, well done on your ongoing wakeup calls to those concerned by the disturbing trends that are taking us all in. My hope is that within this growing machine, some of us will be able to retain enough freedom to find something essential to help us move onwards and upwards in the evolutionary development that is going on. Nature itself (as you suggest) may help us to go in the right direction to a supernatural state beyond our wildest dreams. In the meantime, keep up the good work.
I passed a neighbour today who was engrossed in her phone. She never gives me the time of day nor looks up from her screen. Why? I guess she doesn't need to or want to. She gets her needs met elsewhere including on line. So humans are an add on to life today, rather than being life.
Hi JP I have to admit I have a smart phone samsung something and I have a headset to listen to stuff like Alan Watt or John Waters or adapt 2030 and a few others while keeping my hands free for work. I use the laptop in the mornings to read articles like yourself which is the best part of the day . I am not one to just scroll looking for stuff and usually leave it at home when I go out . But ye I am a bit tied to it to keep in contact with my three son's , one in Australia one in Philadelphia and the other in Dublin . So for now I am stuck with it but to be honest if the whole internet disappeared tomorrow I would count it as a blessing , and I would be reading your article in some section of a national newspaper that JW is the editor and I would be posting a weekly letter to the lad's or arrange for a time to ring on the landline .
The Internet is very useful to the Combine even though it is beneficial to us as well. They might tighten things up a bit but I don't think they'll turn it off.
Years ago I used to receive a mimeographed newsletter in the post long before the Internet or decent photocopiers. So what you say is certainly possible.
But how would you keep in touch with your three sons Richard?
I would get a land line in and also write a letter to them Finn
Alan Watt said in the beginning they gave us TV, everyone had to have one. That way they knew everyone would be getting their downloads at the same time. No wonder they were able to mould us to their needs
I love my little phone and like Richard Kelly, I like to listen to podcasts on the go. I'm aware it's an addiction. I suppose I could go back to books. It shocks me to see how many use it to pay. it also saddens me to see parents ignoring their childrens' needs. Even some couples ignore each other to separately stare into their phones
You're 100% correct that they are tracking us through our phones. We've all had the experience of talking about some item we were thinking of getting and then it appears magically in your feeds
It will take something big for me to part with it, so I'm not traitoring on this one JP
I'd say it's a lot harder to give up the smartphone than to never have had one. So I'm glad it passed me by (although I'm not sure how).
In a quiet but disturbed way, we're all aware of this, Jim. But it' s a huge reminder when articulated so well and so concisely. So, well done on your ongoing wakeup calls to those concerned by the disturbing trends that are taking us all in. My hope is that within this growing machine, some of us will be able to retain enough freedom to find something essential to help us move onwards and upwards in the evolutionary development that is going on. Nature itself (as you suggest) may help us to go in the right direction to a supernatural state beyond our wildest dreams. In the meantime, keep up the good work.
Thanks John. Hope all is well with you and yours.